Harold George

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LIGHTBOX: Vion4444

When I first started posting on my Instagram I had no purpose. I posted some pictures occasionally trying to figure out the platform. I added some filters, I skewed some pictures, but wasn’t too happy with what I added. Then, as if by some great inspirational magic, I had this bright idea of posting my sketchbook pages. “Eureka!, that it! I could post my sketchbook pages onto Instagram and if I lose any notebooks, like I have in the past, I could still have them, online.”

Uploading my sketchbook pages became a daily thing. Day after day I posted. Week after week people started following me and liking my sketches. I got comments, compliments and even requests for commissions. I began to engage many people. I started following some myself. Throughout this time I met many great artists. Some have even inspired me and helped me stay motivated. Today, I want to spotlight one of those artists.

Vion4444 has been a great source of motivation for me. His comments and critiques as well as his ideas have helped me push myself as I create my webcomic. He has shown me that there are people out there that want to read my story. Thank you for your enthusiasm and for being a loyal follower.

Vion4444 has some great artwork himself and today I would like to say thank you for the support and the inspiration. If you would like to follow his work feel free to click on the button below.