Making Ghosts Comic
My journey began on a sunny California day when I had too much coffee to sit down still so I had to come up with something to do. I decided to fulfill what I set out to create. Now that I had finished The Show comic, I was set to create my next book, Ghosts: The Corechasers.
While I’ll be doing all the work in production this time around, I won’t really be alone because I’ll have you. You will hold my hand through every step of the way and also hold me accountable. I will document ideas, changes, insecurities, and everything that helps me in the making of this book. I've had this script since 1998 and I am just now getting to work on the art part. I will need you to let me know if there is something I am not covering. or
I don't have a written synopsis yet, but everything is in my head. That’s is one of the problems when creating these freaking things, . being the creator and artists of a story, it becomes difficult to summarize in writing all in one sitting. You just want to tell the whole story. But I'll go through that step too. As I get deeper into the book, the name will make more sense to you. For now, I am just working on getting all my stuff together and continuing to plow through.
The cover is already done as well as a few inside pages. Yup, I said books, actual page-flipping books; finger licking for page turning, book. All the reference was taken in a time before Google when I had to go to the library and search for images and flip through photo stock books that conveyed what I was looking for.
I don't usually do the cover first, but I was just too excited to see a poster of this team. I even hand-lettered the title on the page. This cover was drawn before the age of digital art, or at least for me. I couldn’t afford photoshop back then. Thanks for sticking with me through this journey. I hope to hear from you if you have any questions or comments.
Until next time, draw what you want.