Hi Toon People,
It’s been way too long since I’ve taken a moment to shine a light on some of the amazing artists I’ve met online — and this year, I’m fixing that. My goal? Celebrate a few more of these incredibly talented folks and introduce you to their fabulous work.
One of the coolest things about doing this is that I get to dig a little deeper into the people behind the art. And let me tell you — the more I learn about them, the more I appreciate what they create. Art’s great on its own, sure — but when you know the heart, the hustle, and the inspiration behind it? It just hits different.
Today, I had the privilege of chatting with the insanely talented Paul Hill. So grab a snack, settle in, and let’s Toon in! …
The Origin Story
Where did it all begin?… Well, I was a young lad who enjoyed watching TV playing a few sports when 1 day I was attacked by a radioactive pencil, gaining the proportionate skills of an artist 🤪 I wish…
But it’s a half truth, I did enjoy watching cartoons like Bugs Bunny, Tom and Jerry, and Hanna-Barbera. I always found myself drawing these cartoon characters in my sketch books. It wasn’t until Batman: TAS from the 90’s was on TV, and seeing Bruce Timm’s style that my fascination with art and drawing cartoon characters was kicked into overdrive, especially DC Comics Batman in the animated style. I studied the line work, the colours and poses, I was hooked.
The Art Process & Tools of the Trade
Do I have a set routine… That’s a 2 part answer. When I am working on personal projects, my response is to strike when the inspiration hits. But when it comes to working on licensed projects, I have more of a routine so that I can meet deadlines. The advice I was given was to create in batches of 10. That’s draw 10, ink 10, colour 10. It was great advice and I follow it to this day.
My tools of the trade are Marker pens, specifically Windsor & Newton Promarkers and Copic markers, I am, as one artist labeled me once, a “Marker Boy” 😂 they are definitely things I can’t live without. These days I dabble some in digital art but love the traditional process more.
Sketch cards have been my life for so many years now, I don’t recall a time they weren’t. Funny enough, I fell into them and found my art developed quicker through that outlet. I love the challenge of trying to fit characters and poses within that space, often seeing them as comic book panels.
Finding a Style & Inspirations
Finding a style… I already mentioned Bruce Timm, if anyone describes my style, Timm’s name is always top of the list or the word “cartoony,” such as Hanna Barbera. But that’s not my only influence I get inspiration from many artists in the art community I am particularly drawn to people with similar if not cartoonier styles I love reading books historical or adventure (that includes comics), films, podcasts and a particular taste in music these have all influenced me in some way or another. I think it’s great to have a broad spectrum of influences, it can help artists to grow their skill sets.
The Hustle & The Community
How did I get into selling or getting commissioned for my work? I guess putting myself out there. I never set out to sell my Art or gain commissions. When I started drawing, it was for the love of the craft, sharing my process and what I had learned as I developed my techniques, so I created a Facebook page and Instagram just for those purposes, initially it caught on and people started asking for personal pieces. It was also through social media that I was noticed and contacted to do my first official licensed work for Marvel Comics through Upper Deck, that was 8 years ago, since then I have worked with many other Sketch Card Companies and other licensed characters, continuing to do so to this day.
You asked what my most unexpected gig was…? For me it’s still surreal, I was once contacted by a Hollywood Actor who saw a sketch card I had posted and he reached out to me first on my post and then privately to commission a piece based on a character they once played… It blew my mind, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, and of course I did the piece for him.
The Art community is amazing to be a part of. I mentioned before about the artists that have helped influence my art style. This isn’t just relegated to ‘big’ names in the industry and I sadly couldn’t name them all so I will name a few…
Gordon Wills (@art_of_gordonwills) was one of my earliest connections due to our cartoonish style and love of Batman the animated series, we also started with Upper Deck the same year.
Jason Montoya (@jason_montoya_artist) another animation and marker artist whose style and passion is always encouraging, who again started working for Upper Deck around the same time. Do you see a pattern here 🤪
Someone not involved in sketch cards is Jessica Archer (@jessicaarcherartworks), an amazing artist as well as a cartoon and comic book fan.
Let’s not forget yourself with your Annual #junetoon and unique character design style (you can pay me later 😉), these are just a few, there are so many more like I said it’s an amazing community I am grateful to be a part of.
The Fun Stuff
Project I would love to work on... hmm… from sketch cards I would love to work on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles license. If it was a comic I would have to say Spider-man or Batman 🤷♂️
They would also be my favourite characters to draw with Batman characters in the Bruce Timm animated series style; it’s my best way to relax. As for a character that drives me nuts, it has to be any character I have yet to draw… once I have drawn a character a few times, and I get a feel for them, they become easier.
An awkward or difficult commission request? Aren’t they all a challenge and that’s the fun 🤩 I have had requests where the character was so obscure that I have asked for a reference to get a better idea of what they are asking for.
Words of Wisdom & The Future
What advice would I give my younger self? Simple, never give up! It’s cliche but it’s true, just because you are rejected today doesn’t mean you won’t be tomorrow. Keep experimenting, keep sharing, you never know what’s around the corner.
There are plenty of new sketchcard projects coming that I simply can’t yet talk about, sadly just yet (name of the game), but you can find me and discover all my projects on:
Facebook @paulhillart
Instagram @pauljhill_art